“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, a university with international visibility


The fourth edition of Academic Meta-ranking investigates the international visibility of national universities as well as their impact within the international academic arena for 2019. The ranking inc...


AVU supports leukemia patients


“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad comes to the aid of leukemia patients that require urgent blood transfusions. As a result of the particular circumstances faced by the local blood transfusion center,...


Înscrieri la UAV în sistem online și la centrul unic de înscrieri


Anul acesta înscrierea la Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad se va realiza în condiții speciale determinate de epidemia de Coronavirus. Din data de 6 iulie în sediul UAV din Bd. Revoluției nr.72 (f...


Ramona Lile „UAV donated medical protective visors for Arad`s healthcare system”


The first batch of medical protective visors manufactured by AVU`s Faculty of Engineering has been received by local hospitals. It is a new donation made by Arad`s public university with the aim of he...


Ramona Lile “AVU offers free online baccalaureate tutoring classes”


“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad comes to the aid of final year high school students by providing free online Skype tutoring classes starting with Monday, 11thof May, for Mathematics as well as for R...


Ramona LILE “AVU offers support to ARAD`s medical system”


Starting from today, the field hospital located in Expo Arad operates a disinfection gate designed and built by teaching staff members and students from the Faculty of Engineering. “It was our faculty...


#COVID19 UEFISCDI has launched BrokerMap – a collaboration and communication resource hub for innovators!


The Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) has announced yesterday, the 30th of April, the launch of Broker Map, a digital platform that brings ...


Aplică online pentru Erasmus!


Începem campania de selecție a viitorilor studenți Erasmus! Dacă ești interesat să studiezi în altă țară, să vezi cum trăiesc și învață alți studenți, să te bucuri de călătorii și să-ți faci prieteni ...


AVU and ARAD`s Archiepiscopacy donation towards Ineu City Hospital


Ineu City Hospital has been presented with a mechanical ventilator for the COVID-19 Intensive Care Ward. The donation was made possible by AVU`s Association for Management and Research in Socio-Humani...


Sărbători binecuvântate!


La miezul nopții să spunem separat dar împreună, uniți în credință și suflet, un cald și din toată inima, HRISTOS A ÎNVIAT! Să se audă până în CER și ÎNAPOI.Rector. Prof. Univ. Dr. Ramona Lile


AVU students gave away free face masks in ARAD`s market places


Over 300 masks have been distributed by AVU students in the city`s market places on Thursday morning. Manufactured in AVU`s Textile Engineering workshop - with the aid of students from the Faculty of ...


Arad`s public education aids local hospitals


The “Arad `s public education donates! Join us!” campaign initiated by the governing body of the local public pre-university education system, promptly joined by AVU`s Association for Management and R...


AVU involved in helping the elderly


The “Help Us Help Them“ campaign, started by students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work and coordinated by Lect. Ph.D. Alina BREAZ, continues. Undergraduate future s...


1000 de litri de dezinfectant produs la UAV pentru spitalele din regiune


Peste 1000 de litri de dezinfectant produs în laboratoarele Universității „Aurel Vlaicu” dinArad a fost donat spitalelor din regiune, medicilor de familie și forțelor de ordine implicateîn lupta împot...


Ramona Lile: „Help us help the fight against COVID 19”


„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, already involved in the fight against COVID19, has taken the necessary steps for buying the substance required to prepare the sanitizer to be used by those in the fr...


Ramona Lile „AVU joins regional hospitals in the fight against COVID 19”


A sanitizer produced in Aurel Vlaicu University`s labs has been dispatched to hospitals in Arad, Timis and Caras. The product, which is OMS compliant, has been developed within AVU`s Institute for Res...


„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad adjourns all courses


Due to Coronavirus concerns, AVU`s Administrative Council has decided to shut down all teaching activities during the 12.03-31.03 timeframe, based on the recommendations issued by the Ministry of Educ...


Green Erasmus Open Door - reprogramat


Eveniment reprogramatUrmare a deciziilor luate de autoritatile nationale si locale privind organizarea evenimentelor publice in aceasta perioada, Green Erasmus Open Doors, evenimentul pe care UAV treb...


Fonduri europene atrase de Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad


12 milioane de euro, bani atrași de universitatea de stat din Arad vor fi investiți pentru dezvoltarea cercetării și reabilitarea a două clădiri ale universității. Banii au fost câștigați în urma sele...


La UAV a început pregătirea pentru examenul de bacalaureat 2020


Universitatea “Aurel Vlaicu” din AradFacultatea de Științe ExactePlanificarea orelor de pregătire pentru BacalaureatMatematică Data Ora Aplicații de tip Cadrul didactic 11.03.2020 18-20 Analiza mat...
