Documents of Public Interest

Public information requests

"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad, as an institution of higher education, promotes transparency and access to public information (in addition to the related principles included in the University Charter).

In accord with the principles of the Constitution of Romania, unrestricted access to public information is one of the fundamental values of the relationship between public institutions and individuals.

The university disseminates certain categories of information by default, in accord with the requirements of Law 544/2001 (pertaining to the public`s unrestricted access to information). These can be accessed directly on the university`s webpage. Institutionally, access to public information is regulated by these documents:


For public information requests: Ionel BARBU

Press relations: Monica Ardelean
Phone: 0745061314, E-mail:
Working hours:
Monday- Friday: 10-12
Online Contact: Contact

  • AVU`s Management
  • Contact details of public authorities or institutions including: name, headquarters, phone numbers, fax numbers, email address and web page.

Rectorate Headquarters:
B-dul Revoluţiei no. 77,
310130 Arad, România,
P.O. BOX 2/158 AR
Phone: +40-257-283010
Fax: +40-257-280070

Requests/Complaints/Suggestions ONLINE

    Sample forms (in Romanian)

    1. Cerere-tip de solicitare a informaţiilor de interes public, model conform HG 123/2002 privind normele de aplicare a legii nr. 544/2001
    2. Reclamaţie administrativă în cazul răspunsului negativ la cerere
    3. Reclamaţie adiministrativă în cazul neprimirii vreunui răspuns la cererea de informaţii publice
    4. Răspuns la cererea de informaţii publice din partea persoanei desemnate de instituţia publică
    5. Răspuns la reclamaţia administrativă înaintată de petent instituţiei publice

    Rapoarte anuale privind aplicarea Legii 544 din 2001: