Short History

The documents portraying the history of education in Transylvania and Arad prove an admirable activism, sometimes with dramatic consequences, towards establishing a university around these parts. The Preparandia (Teachers’ Training College) (1812), The Clerical Theological Institute (1822) and Music Conservatory (1833), in addition to the academic projects of scholars such as bishop Ghenadie Raț (in 1850), Ioan Popovici-Desseanu (in 1871), Vasile Goldis (in 1906), Onisifor Ghibu (in 1915), Ion Montani (in 1924), all anticipated the idea of local higher education. And when Arad finally hosted an Institute of Agriculture with two faculties (The Faculty of Zootechnics and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), it lasted for only nine years before being brutally closed down. The Institute of Sub- Engineers was founded in 1972; it was a university- like institution which set the premises for the development of AVU.
The events of December 1989 brought about new academic hopes for Arad`s inhabitants. After submitting petitions, attending meetings and several other similar sustained efforts, the voice of the locals has been finally heard. Government Ordinance no. 567 from the 18th of May, 1990 afforded the establishment of an Institute of Higher Education in Arad, based on the structure of the former Institute for Sub-Engineers.

Legal status
“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad has acquired legal personality through the Romanian Government`s Ordinance no. 567/1990 (initially under the denomination of Institute of Higher Education) and the Ministry of National Education`s Order no. 7751/1990.
The name "AUREL VLAICU" UNIVERSITY OF ARAD refers to the institution of higher education listed in Arad County, Bulevardul Revolutiei no. 77. It is also a registered trademark - by Certificate of Registration No. 54850 issued by The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks - and it is legally protected under Law no. 84/1998 which stipulates that, on Romanian territory, educational services can be provided solely by this institution, under the above-mentioned name. Besides the name, the trademark also includes a logo displaying a shield that represents the insignia of a medieval town with the letters AVU Arad inscribed on it.
“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad and its entire academic community adhere to THE MAGNA CHARTA OF EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES (Bologna, 1988). “Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad preserves the valuable traditions of Romanian education, yet, at the same time, it adjusts them to the requirements and quality standards of developed European countries, in accord with the Bologna Declaration (June 1999) as well as the Conferences of Berlin (2003) and Bergen (2005).