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Ramona Lile: „Help us help the fight against COVID 19”


„Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, already involved in the fight against COVID19, has taken the necessary steps for buying the substance required to prepare the sanitizer to be used by those in the front line of the struggle against the virus.

The quantity of sanitizer produced by AVU`s Institute for Research and Innovation labs depends on allocated funding. The first tens of liters have been achieved through the teaching staff`s personal efforts and subsequently donated to regional hospitals; however, in order to produce the hundreds of liters required, the university`s management appeals those who wish to help the medical system and the law enforcement agencies to donate money for buying the raw materials needed. The money can be wired to the state university`s association account:

Asociația pentru Management și Cercetare în Științe Socio-Umane

CUI 36671198

Account: RO05BTRLRONCRT0P17803501

„Help us so we can help” declared the university`s Rector, Prof. PhD. Ramona Lile.

„Our colleagues work daily in order to produce this sanitizer. I call on all members of the teaching staff, of the academic community, on every citizen to donate money so we can help those that fight for us” added Ramona Lile.