1 ADN 7620

First day of school at “Bishop Ioan Mețianu” School


A day full of smiles and color at “Bishop Ioan Mețianu” School in Arad. It was the first school day for Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad`s youngest "students".

Parents and grandparents, local authorities, teachers, and professors were there to support them, each experiencing the emotion of a new beginning alongside the school`s 80 students guided by Prof. Năsui Alina, Prof. Pele Bianca, Prof. Olariu Cristina Gabriela, and Prof. Bolba Claudia Maria.

Participants included: UAV Rector, Ramona Lile; the Archbishop of Arad, Timotei Seviciu; cultural advisor Fr. Iustin Popovici; CJA Deputy Chairman, Ionel Bulbuc; Arad Deputy Mayor, Lazăr Faur; specialty school inspector, Raluca Layer; as well as the Dean of the “Ilarion Felea” Faculty of Theology, university professor PhD. Ioja Cristinel