The Feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs at AVU`s Faculty of Theology


AVU`s "Ilarion V. Felea" Faculty Orthodox Theology, together with the Orthodox Theological Seminary in Arad, celebrated the day through a liturgical-cultural programme in Arad`s Old Cathedral.

The event was attended by PhD. Ramona Lile, "Aurel Vlaicu" University`s Rector, PhD. Iustin Cionca, President of the Arad County Council, theological seminar students as well as a large number of believers.

The Liturgy was officiated by His Eminence Father Timotei, the Archbishop of Arad, along with His Grace Father Nestor, the Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, His Grace Father Gherontie Hunedoreanul, the Vicar Bishop of the Deva and Hunedoara Diocese.

For more details see: https://www.uav.ro/stiri/s%C4%83rb%C4%83toarea-sfin%C8%9Bii-trei-ierarhi-la-facultatea-de-teologie-a-uav