01 ADN 3697

Tex- Renew, an AVU project for a sustainable economy


Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s Faculty of Engineering hosted the final stage of the Tex-Renew project on Monday, October 30 under the auspices of AVU`s Student Entrepreneurial Society. The project was titled "A New Product from Textile Waste - The Entrepreneurship Center for Sustainable Textile Waste Valorization in a Circular Economy."

Present at the event were AVU`s vice--rector, Prof. PhD. Codruța Stoica, the Faculty of Engineering`s Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dan Glăvan, as well as the project team. The project, funded by CNFIS (National Council for the Financing of Higher Education), as part of the Institutional Development Fund competition, aimed to establish a center for sustainable waste valorization and present successful entrepreneurial models for AVU students.

For more details see: https://www.uav.ro/stiri/tex-renew-un-proiect-uav-pentru-o-economie-sustentabil%C4%83