Afiș Hillerin

Pierre Joseph de HILLERIN to be awarded AVU`s Doctor Honoris Causa title


A personality of the national and international sports world, the man behind the medals won by Romanian athletes at the Olympics, world championships, or European championships, university professor, and doctoral supervisor at the "Politehnica" Bucharest National University of Science and Technology, University Center Pitești, Pierre Joseph de HILLERIN will be present at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad to receive the institution`s Doctor Honoris Causa title.

The ceremony will take place on Monday, March 18, starting at 10:00 AM in AVU`s Senate Hall (Bulevardul Revoluției 77).

Members of the Laudatio committee:

Prof. Radu Ioan, PhD, President of the University Senate

Prof. Liliana Niculina Mihăilescu, PhD, National University of Science and Technology "Politehnica" Bucharest, University Center Pitești

Mihai Claudiu Covaliu, President of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee

Dr. Simona Amânar Tabără, West University of Timișoara