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In Memoriam Gheorghe Halic


"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad commemorates today, June 16th, the passing of a remarkable personality who played a defining role in the establishment of this university: the distinguished professor and rector, GHEORGHE HALIC.

A prominent figure for Arad`s educational system, a visionary animated by his love for this city, young Gheorghe Halic returned to Arad after completing his studies at the Faculty of Mathematics (Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca), as a teacher at the very high school he attended as a student: "Moise Nicoară" National College.

He began his academic career at the "Traian Vuia" Polytechnic Institute in Timișoara but remained connected to the city on the Mureș River. From the autumn of 1975 until the autumn of 1989, Gheorghe Halic coordinated, on behalf of the Senate Bureau of the Polytechnic Institute in Timișoara, the evening section of associate engineering studies in Arad.

After the revolution, he mobilized all the necessary factors and initiated the steps required to establish an independent university in Arad, separate from that of Timișoara: the Institute of Higher Education.

He was appointed rector of this new institute by the Ministry of Education and laid the foundations for what is now "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad. Our university`s entire academic community pays a final tribute and devout gratitude to the one who made an essential contribution to the establishment and development of public higher education in Arad.

May God rest his soul in peace!