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AVU celebrates Social Workers


Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad celebrated World Social Work Day.

An event organized by Prof. PhD. Alina Breaz, President of the Association for Proactive Education, and Laura Andreș, President of the Oaza Association, in partnership with AVU`s Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology, and Social Work.

"The Living Library", the main event theme, brought to debate some of the most important topics in the field within the 7 workshops organized throughout March 27. "The Social Worker in the Emergency Reception Unit," "Drug Consumer: Victim or Offender," or "Social Work in Prisons" are just a few of the topics discussed during this event.

"The Living Library is about people who take care of other people, about those who have dedicated their lives to helping those in need. This event is dedicated to them, to those who understand that social work is more than just a profession, it is a moral duty towards the less fortunate," declared AVU Rector Ramona Lile.

For more details see: https://www.uav.ro/stiri/asisten%C8%9Bii-sociali-s%C4%83rb%C4%83tori%C8%9Bi-la-uav