The Romanian Language Preparatory Year

The Romanian Language Preparatory Year Programme

This language course is intended for those foreign students who do not have a Romanian language proficiency certificate and wish to enrol for (bachelor, master or PhD) programmes where the main language of tuition/examination is Romanian.

The aim of the Preparatory Year language course is to develop foreign students’ Romanian reading, writing, listening and speaking skills for academic purposes. During the course, students shall acquire general, Romanian language related knowledge as well specialized terminology associated to the following fields of study: mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities and arts, sports and physical education, biological and biomedical sciences.

By the end of the course, students are expected to acquire a B2 language proficiency level (as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Foreign citizens who although speak Romanian, do not have a language proficiency certificate, are required to pass an exam in order to obtain said certificate. Enrolment for studies in a Romanian language based academic programme is possible only after successfully passing the exam/acquiring the language proficiency certificate.

Foreign citizens who can attest to having studied for 4 year in Romania, or have successfully graduated from a Romanian language based undergraduate programme are not required to enrol in the Preparatory Year language programme or pass the language exam.