ADN 4716

Ramona Lile "Prof. PhD. Eng. Paraschiv Nicolae has become a member of AVU`s academic community"


The ceremony of awarding the academic distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Paraschiv Nicolae from the Oil and Gas University of Ploiești took place on Wednesday, June 21, in AVU`s Senate Hall.

Professor Paraschiv is an eminent promoter of technical education, of Romanian science. He has established himself in the academic world as a true scientist, a consummate pedagogue, firmly and professionally supporting the development and promotion of engineering sciences in Romanian universities.

"It is an honor for Aurel Vlaicu University to welcome Professor Paraschiv into the ranks of its academic community. We are pleased to honor the achievements of this personality who brings honor to the country, the academic environment, and who, today, honors us by being included in our university `s academic family." declared AVU Rector, Ramona Lile.

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