Ramona Lile „Living Library – an event dedicated to social work”


They celebrated "Social Work Days" through the "Living Library - Vulnerabilities in Social Work" event which brought together all those who work in this essential social field. The event organizer, Professor PhD. Alina Breaz, along with Laura Andreș, both leading very active associations in the social work sphere, offered participants the opportunity to learn about the activity of field related institutions as well as to listen to the "living stories" of those who work directly with people in need.

PhD. Ramona Lile, AVU Rector, highlighted the importance of this service for the local community and the role of the social worker: "We are pleased to be partners in this event which reflects social workers` activity. I believe that directly meeting those who work in this field is a more than beneficial opportunity for students in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Social Work. The guests` experience-based accounts affords them a better understanding of the social worker`s importance for the local community, the need for their involvement and the level of daily dedication required for the work that they do. I congratulate the organizers for this event."

For further details see: https://www.uav.ro/evenimente/ramona-lile-biblioteca-vie-un-eveniment-dedicat-asisten%C8%9Bei-sociale