Dezbatere despre etică la UAV


Dezbatere despre etică la UAV Conferință, workshop, masă rotundă și un concurs de postere pentru studenți au fost organizate în data de 16 octombrie, la Facultatea de Științe Economice din cadrul U...


Teodor Cilan: „Conferința OSEEC a adus la Arad specialiști importanți din domeniul economic”


A început OSEEC („Ongoing Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges”), cea de-a II-a ediție a conferinței dedicate specialiștilor în economie, organizată de Facultatea de Științe Economice din cad...


Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad a deschis anul universitar 2024-2025.


Sâmbătă, 28 septembrie, pe scena Palatului Cultural din Arad, rectorul universității, conf. univ. dr. Teodor Cilan, alături de echipa de prorectori și decanii celor 9 facultăți, au anunțat deschiderea...


Teodor Cilan „UAV va sprijini întotdeauna învățământul preuniversitar”


La finele săptămânii trecute la Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad a avut loc Conferința internațională „Asigurarea egalității de șanse prin management educațional și servicii de asistență psihoped...


Prof. PhD. Habil. Pierre Joseph de HILLERIN, AVU Doctor Honoris Causa


Pierre Joseph de HILLERIN, a prominent figure for Romanian sports with essential contributions towards the performance levels of Romanian athletes, has been awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa b...


Prof. PhD. Eng. Dumitru POPESCU, AVU Doctor Honoris Causa


An important event at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad marked the reception of Prof. Dr. Eng. Dumitru POPESCU into AVU`s academic community, by awarding him the title of DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA. Mr. Dum...


Prof. PhD. Nicolae Istudor, Rector of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Awarded AVU`s Doctor Honoris Causa Title


A fully packed conference hall witnessed Prof. PhD. Nicolae Istudor, Rector of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, being awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa. A prominent figure in higher...


Ramona Lile „Record de vizitatori la Noaptea Cercetătorilor Europeni de la UAV”


Noaptea Cercetătorilor Europeni s-a desfășurat anul acesta pentru prima dată în spațiul Universității „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad. Peste 40 de participanți și aproape 4000 de vizitatori au fost prezenți l...


Ramona Lile, AVU Rector, at the Technical University of Moldova`s academic year opening event.


"I was honored to take part in this important academic community event. Every new beginning carries with it many dreams, plans, and hopes. For us, the Technical University of Moldova is a trusted pa...


AVU Academic event


Prof.univ.dr.habil EMIL CEBAN was awarded "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad`s Doctor Honoris Causa title. Rector of the "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Republic of M...


Ramona Lile "Prof. PhD. Eng. Paraschiv Nicolae has become a member of AVU`s academic community"


The ceremony of awarding the academic distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa to Professor Paraschiv Nicolae from the Oil and Gas University of Ploiești took place on Wednesday, June 21, in AVU`s Senate...


International Conference: "Innovative Approaches towards Contemporary Trends in Education"


How does the education system respond to the new challenges faced by education? This was a question addressed by education science specialists from national and foreign universities during the "Innov...


Ramona Lile: "It was an honor to be partners in the Truth as a Condition for Regional Stability conference”


"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad hosted over the weekend the "Truth as a Condition of Regional Stability," international conference organized by the Institute for Geopolitical Studies in Ljubljana. ...


The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences turned 20!


A special moment for the faculty`s staff members and students alike as they celebrate 20 years of existence. Former professors, alumni, local and county authorities, as well as national and internatio...


Sir Andras Niklos awarded AVU`s Doctor Honoris Causa Beneficiorum Publicorum title


"Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad has awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa Beneficiorum Publicorum to Professor Sir Andras Niklos from Pro DEO State University. An active member of the Sovereign...


Hundreds of students attended AVU`s "Caius Iacob" Mathematics Competition


The 13th edition of the "Caius Iacob" international math competition, organized by the Faculty of Exact Sciences with the support of the Arad County School Inspectorate, is taking place at Aurel Vlaic...


International Conferences hosted by AVU`s Faculty of Orthodox Theology


On the 3rd of May 2023, with the blessing of His Eminence, PhD. Timotei Seviciu, Archbishop of Arad, two distinguished professors from Germany, Dr. Martin Illert and Dr. Reinhard Thole from the Univer...


Ramona Lile: "Career Day - an opportunity for AVU students"


Over 50 business representatives were present during the Career Day organized by Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture Arad. The event ...


Career Day for AVU Students


Wednesday, May 3rd , Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad ( "M" Complex ); the university will host an event where students from all of the institution`s 9 faculties are invited to a dialogue with employ...
