Consiliere studenti straini

New opportunities for AVU`s visiting students


Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad`s Center for Career Counseling and Guidance, in association with the Multisport Experience Association, has prepared a special program for visiting students, designed to aid their integration within the local community. Additionally, they can earn money by taking up work in various associated projects.

„I have welcomed this project and I am delighted that today it came to fruition. Foreign students` involvement in local events ensures their faster integration in the community. I believe it is our duty to offer them support not only in issues pertaining to the educational process but also towards social integration”, added AVU`s Rector Ramona Lile.

„Foreign students are offered the opportunity to work in projects and get paid for it. With the aid of the Multisport Experience Association students can get involved in events such as Maratonul Aradului, Festivalul Părădăicilor in addition to other projects organized in Arad County”, commented Teodor Cilan, vice-rector for international relations.