
  • Calin Dragoi Pedagogue – Germany


assessment in child care institutions, data base, computer assisted monitoring, care planning, quality of structures, processes and results, benchmarking


The goal of this report is to present new areas for refining extending, and developing the existing methods of assessment (evaluation) and monitoring child care settings, measures, strategies and policies.
We will focus on presenting an interactive database which was developed in the recent years and which was designed in order to improve the assessment and prognoses processes in social child care, at the level of macro- (administrative areas, social spaces, etc.) and micro-entities (care institutions, placement centres, foster families for instance). In our opinion it is of critical importance that, as new measures are developed, adequate attention is paid to their applicability across settings, age groups, and diverse demographic backgrounds. Specifically, measures must be developmentally appropriatei and applicable among children and youths with special needs (such as children with disabilities) and adjusted to domains that accommodate variations of setting, age, race/ ethnicity, ability, and linguistic and cultural diversity.The database represents a practical, exhaustive and flexible product (device), which enables an objective and exhaustive assessment of individual development of young people beneficiating of a care measure, of the efficiency of the care settings and of the effects (the results) of the care interventions, respectively a comprehensive evaluation in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality of structures, processes and results. There will be presented the interactive structure, the main components and subsequences of the database, the most representative facilities (like for instance editing of reports, online questioning, online evaluation of each subject and of the activity at the level of an institution, etc.) and some of the possibilities to use the stored data in order to improve the controlling and strategic controlling, the estimation of the evolution of the care settings and the ways of increasing the efficiency of the care measures.The report describes also some of the specific possibilities to use the database at the level of care-providers, decisional formal bodies, non-governmental organizations and politics and in designing, in implementation and evaluation of social care programs for children und youths belonging to disadvantaged populations (ethnic groups, youth over 18 leaving the care institutions, etc.). The benchmarking facilities of the database are also described.

Author Biography

Calin Dragoi, Pedagogue – Germany



Copple, C., & Bredekamp, S. (Eds.) (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8 (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

See also Reischmann,J., Weiterbildungsevaluation -Lernerfolge messbar machen, Neuwied, 2003 S.

Hirseland A., Uhl K.- Evaluationsmethoden für Modelle zur Förderung von

Zivilcourage in der politischen Bildung, S. 3 -4


Some of the most well-known sofwares in use in the UK (the above list is of course not exhaustive) : ChildData - Produced by the National Children's Bureau (subscription required). This resource contains four databases – a catalogue of over 75,000 records of books,

reports and journal articles; abstracted summaries of newspaper coverage of issues affecting children since 1996, a directory

Ethnicity & Health Specialist Library - This is part of the National Library for Health. This electronic library provides evidence needed about specific needs in health care for minority ethnic groups and the management of a health care service in a multicultural, diverse society. It attempts to select the best available evidence relevant to 'culturally competent healthcare' for minority ethnic groups and cultures present in Britain in significant numbers. The main topic areas include:

Disease and conditions; Service delivery; Cultural competence and Management and policy statistics. The resources can also be view Guidance & pathways; Evidence; Reference; Education & CPD and Patient information.

NSPCC Inform - Produced by NSPCC, is UK 's only free, online, specialised child protection resource. Developed specifically to share information with practitioners, researchers, trainers and other professionals working to protect children, it brings together all NSPCC products and services. NSPCC Inform includes access to the library catalogue of over 30,000 child protection related references.

CommunityWISE - Covers community development, social policy health, welfare and education (subscription required).

Social Sciences Citation Index - Provides access to bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references found in over 1,700 world social science journals covering more than 50 disciplines (subscription required).

Evidence Based Policy and Practice (EBPP) Resources Listing - Produced by the UK Centre for Evidence-based Policy and Practice covers six major types of resource, bibliographic and research databases, internet gateways, systematic review centres, EBPP centres, research centres and library services. Social Care Online - free database maintained by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).




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