Case Management


  • Calin Dragoi Pedagogue – Germany


case management, case work, care planning and care plan


The case management (CM) has become in the
last decade one of the most “popular†instrument in the
social care, especially for developing (structuring),
implementing and monitoring the care measures. The use of
case management of a large scale is a relative new
methodology in the field of the Romanian child care and an
accurate implementation still remains a difficult process. The
intermittent crises which confronted the care system at the
decisional and practical level (the level or the care
institutions and organisations) did not facilitate the design of
a coherent methodology concerning case work, care planning
and case management and their scientifically based testing in
In the following paper some of the main components of the
case management will be presented and some of the
difficulties and specific risks of implementing the case
management at a large scale will be pointed out in order to
optimise the macro components of the care system,
difficulties and to avoid the risks which were frequently
mentioned and described in different studies and research

Author Biography

Calin Dragoi, Pedagogue – Germany



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