
  • Camelia Bran Université « Aurel Vlaicu » Arad


mental health, empowerment, competencies, capabilities, job coaching, accompaniment


While relying on the concept of "empowerment" of people with psychiatric illness to their access and retention in employment in the mainstream, we seek to question the competence implementation by professionals. How they respond to problems situations that are as much obstacles to achieve the final task of job retention user? What skills they mobilize? From the perspective of the gaze crossed consumers, business leaders and team leaders identified what skills to support and maintain employment in this specific population? In what type of contexts are they exercised? What are the obstacles? How to overcome? What do the professionals themselves the exercise of their powers in this area? They are the competent, relevant, and adapted to the new economic situation? Users, business owners and professionals, they identify training gaps to deal with problem situations?

Author Biography

Camelia Bran, Université « Aurel Vlaicu » Arad



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