
  • Marinel Negru Teacher training faculty, Belgrad


bilingualism, cognitive development, mental lexicon, teaching


From the linguistic and general cognitive development raises the question of whether the language development bilingvala similar to that of monolingual children, or whether simultaneous exposure to two languages in addition to affecting the characteristics of the development, the way bilingvali analyze language, the development of additional skills and general intellectual development of the child. In this paper, the acquisition of language in bilingvala from the standpoint of the lexical and general intellectual development of a child due to the fact that the governing skill semantic information increases with age. In the first part of the review of the various models of the mental lexicon bilingvala analyzed the prediction of a single or two separate lexical systems. Then, comparing the research related to the asymmetry in lexical processing of information among bilingual children and the differences in the adoption of different types of words, and the similarity in shape versus semantic closeness, pointed to the benefits of research are described, as well as errors that occur a result of generalization of results research. In accordance with the conclusions, always keeping in mind the difference between surface fluency and cognitive development, in the end, the paper offers suggestions for the organization of bilingual education when it comes to vocabulary acquisition and derived general conclusions about the most important factors that affect achievement in language learning in bilingual children.

Author Biography

Marinel Negru, Teacher training faculty, Belgrad



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