
  • Lorena Peculea Assistent PhD, Specialized Department with Psychopedagogical Profile, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca


competency, learning to learn, integrative model


The starting point for an attempt to define, in the personal approach, the learning to learn competency is the context of theoretical and conceptual framework of defining the competency as a holistic concept. The variety of theoretical contributions within the scientific literature has led us to try to structure a development model of learning to learn competency in an integrative and original manner. It articulates systemically the combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the development of this competency according to the levels of learning taxonomy; it values entirely the processes of critical reflection, of metacognitive reflection and strategic decision making within a socio-constructivist context. We bring some arguments underlying the construction of the theoretical model and on which we based the future application of our educational intervention program.


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