

  • Jade Gourret BAUMGART
  • Déborah SEBBANE
  • Marie-Clotilde LEBAS
  • Laurence FOND-HARMANT


trainers of tutors; mental health; training; project; practical tool;


The participation of users of mental health services in all projects that concern them is an important issue. Such participation is addressed here within the framework of the evaluation of the international project VETmh TuTo Erasmus+ (2018-2021). This is a European training programme for tutors and trainers of tutors in psychiatry and mental health, focused on developing the skills of young professionals. The objective of this article is to perform a review of the literature, making it possible to: 1/ highlight what legitimates the participation of users of mental health services, 2/ identify what characterises a successful participation of users in international projects, and 3/ identify the specific features and mark out the formalisation of the participation of users in the evaluation of the training programme.

METHODS An exploratory review of the French-language literature was conducted using the databases of the Banque de données en santé publique, Base SantéPsy and

RESULTS 32 articles from scientific journals published between January 2015 and July 2020 were retained; 2 institutional documents (European Commission, 2005; World Health Organization, 2013) and the work relating to the TuTo Erasmus+ project (2014-2017) were also selected.

This review reveals the necessity of involving the users, and makes it possible to identify relevance criteria that legitimate working in a partnership between the users and the other actors for evaluating a mental health training project, as well as quality criteria that should guide the concrete elaboration of this involvement.

DISCUSSION This work is a first step in the collaborative development of a protocol for evaluating the training programme VETmh TuTo Erasmus+ (2018-2021). It also demonstrates the necessity of validating a practical tool intended to guide the formalisation of the participation of users within the framework of European and international mental health projects.

Author Biography


LEPS UR 3412-Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Directrice de Recherche. ACSAL Agence pour la Coopération
Afrique Luxembourg


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