
  • Fausto PRESUTTI Ph.D.ISPEF Roma


Human Sciences - European Humanistic Research – Creativity – Intelligence - Psycho-Cognitive Ability - Test


This essay is aimed at all researchers and operators of Human Sciences who are interested in the development of creativity, intelligence and psycho-cognitive abilities of people.   The themes discussed in this essay want to make a constructive contribution to:

1) research in psychology and psychoeducational on the capabilities and potential of ideation and mental representation of the people; 

2) provide precise methodological criteria for the application of Test and for the assessment of mental capacity expressed during the realization of the Test "Figure Nascoste" and "Figure Creative";  

3) explicit the model and the professional skills that must be held who applies and evaluates Test "Figure Nascoste" and "Figure Creative", in a way that can be understood and developed:    - the psycho-cognitive abilities of people that realize the Test,   - a significant relationship between those who apply and those who does the Test.


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