Self-efficacy – Cognitive-Motivational Vector in Performance Achievement


  • Daniela PORUMBU


coaching, performance, readjustment, self-efficacy


The manner in which somebody describes and evaluates himself, reacts and responds, is based on the way he perceives himself. The self-efficacy represents a cognitive-motivational vector in performance achievement, closely related to the self-image and the self-esteem. In the paper “Sinele ÅŸi cunoaÅŸterea luiâ€, P. IluÅ£ [1] mentions the boost and the strengthening of the self in the context of the clarification of the possible self-concept and of its adaptive functions in the process of self-development. Bandura‟s [2] point of view is also the fact that the well-functioning of the self is related to the self-strengthening process. He states that a great deal of our behavior is adjusted through self-strengthening and external means of strengthening. In conclusion, we can acknowledge the fact that the self-efficacy represents the perception of the individual regarding the energy he believes he can transpose into the action designated to bring him closer to a purpose.
The aim of the research is to observe the process of the readjustments and reorganizations at the level of the self-efficacy, as a result of attending a coaching program.


Iluţ, P. (2001). Sinele şi cunoaşterea lui. Teme actuale de psihosociologie. Iaşi: Ed. Polirom

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W. H. Freeman.

Minulescu, M. (2004). Psihodiagnoza modernă. Chestionarele de personalitate. Bucureşti: Ed.

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