Matching neurological levels of change for congruence


  • Daniela PORUMBU


change, congruence, neurological levels, dynamic self, stability of the ego


„Panta rheiâ€, everything flows, everything changes, the old wiseman used to say. In this flow, this continous transformation man wants to control these changes, because, in his view: „I am not an object, but a project; I am not only what I am, but still far what I should be, what I have wanted to be and to become†(J. Lyotard).
Congruence is the real need for change. According to Webster Dictionary congruence in a system is „marked by internal harmony, consistency or agreement between the partsâ€. It is perceived subjectively as a personal sense of direction, as a state of internal consistency, which allows you to function effectively.
The paper will discuss in a reflective exercise individual-world relationship. The relationship between a person and the world identifies, on several levels, individual relationship with himself. We propose to adapt in an integrate vision a model of personality created by R. Dilts. The model provides a framework of change for self congruence. The evolution of a person in a social environment requires a dynamic and malleable self-concept and at the same time, the stability of the ego. Is this really possible?


Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from

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