
  • Liliana Ezechil University of Pitesti, Romania


The concept of lifelong learning has, in Romania, certain ambiguities naturally generating certain consequences on the educative practices in schools and outside them. In opposition, we note that, at the level of educational policies there is a constant concern for assimilating the recommendations of the Commission of the European Communities regarding the promotion of lifelong learning principles even before Romania becomes an EU member, in 2007. The analysis criteria we propose regarding the manner of application of the Memorandum for lifelong learning and the creation in Romania of the favourable framework for integration in the European Area of Lifelong Learning are the key concepts launched by the two important documents. The critical approaches have no absolutist nature but extract their essence from several assumptions with an optimistic content starting from the idea that the new knowledge society needs: a. New people for a new world; b. New educational contexts for new learning people; c. New teaching methodologies for new learning needs; d. New teaching instruments for new learning results. Appreciation is given to the Romanian latest Law of National Education (2011) and to new curriculum reform it proposes. In the framework of deep changes announced by the new law, a special attention is given to the innovation of teaching and learning methodologies. 

Author Biography

Liliana Ezechil, University of Pitesti, Romania



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Project: Cultural Organisations As Communication and Learning Environments, Project number: 134326-LLP-1-2007-1-RO-GRUNDTVIG-GMP, source:


