
  • Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean PhD, Assoc.Prof. „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad


successful projects, community, health projects, sanogenetics factors, risc factors.


Project issue: determining the life expectancy
of the population of industrial communities (Ursoniu,
1996), depending on the determinants of health, life
expectation test calculated by author Peter Russell
The study group is an industrial community made up of 41
people, including 19 women and 22 men. Profile of
activity: office work at the display screen.
Research methodology: the questionnaire was applied to
the expectancy of life, Peter Russell. It consists of a 34step

test for assessing life expectancy without the
following parameters (which can be equated as modifiable
risk factors and modifiable) (questionnaire adapted from
Peter Russell, Life expectancy calculator,
The research results: findings life expectation was realized
the following parameters (which can be equated as
modifiable risk factors and modifiable.
Conclusions: appreciation expectation of life and health of
the population studied industrial community is based on
the maintenance of homeostasis, which is kept using the
factors sanogenetic.


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