
  • Olga Domnica Moldovan PhD, Assoc. Prof.“Aurel Vlaicu” University


The families in contemporary societies have
undergone profound changes in recent decades. The
changes that have occurred within them are so
important, that the term family has become increasingly
ambiguous, it tends to cover today different realities
from those characteristic of previous generations.
Family is the most accurate owner of the traditions and
national values. It is one of the most conservative (in a
good way) segments of society. Contrary to this idea,
the family has become increasingly sensitive to all
changes occurring in society.
We started our research in the following hypothesis:
divorce deeply affects a person’s ability of relationship,
emotional maturity and self-esteem in females who
have gone through such a process.
As a result of our research appears that divorced women
need to be included in psychotherapy programs
(cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, supportive
psychotherapy) and advisory services to improve
networking capacity, to increase self-esteem and learn
marital conflict management.


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