The personality profile of the physiotherapist - Dominant features and counselling needs


  • Laura Rodica GIURGIU PhD, Assoc.Prof, Ovidius University of ConstanÈ›a Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
  • Mirela Damian - Ovidius University from Constanta


In recent years, in Romania, the name and competencies of the physiotherapist profession have sparked differences and controversy between the providers of training for the field of "medical physical rehabilitation". What is the paradigm that governs this area of activity? Science of Sports versus Medical Sciences, sports and motor-rehabilitation faculties or medical faculties? The Order of Physiotherapists in Romania refers to "professional and educational disagreements" affecting the level of public perception and not only the status of the profession, the quality of specialists and their interventions in what is called the â€superior interest†or the benefit of the patients. In this study we will focus on the cross-competencies necessary for specialists in motricity specialization (physical rehabilitation exercises) which, when working with the patient, must exhibit an adequate attitude system and an optimal value set, which will serve to establish a successful therapeutic relationship. To reach the objectives and verify the research hypotheses, we applied on a number of 120 students, the Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI) and the Professional Counselling Sheet, both instruments being designed to develop the personality profile of the subjects and assess the compatibility level with the physiotherapist profession. The results obtained from the evaluations were statistically processed and comparisons were made between the subgroups included in the research, according to age and sex criteria.


