
  • Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean PhD, Assoc.Prof. „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad


international symposium, anthropology, Romanian Academy, medicine, management.


In October 2018, an international symposium adressed to specialists in
anthropology and management took place in Arad, at “Aurel Vlaicuâ€
University, in colaboration with “Vasile Goldi†Western University. It
was the first autumn edition of “Francisc I.Rainer†Symposium.
The meeting, that aimed to improve the recognition of anthropology
implications in human life areas, brought together specialists in the field
of anthropology, medicine, education, and management. During the twoday
symposium, 52 papers analysing the importance of anthropology in
human life have been presented, along with debates and brainstorming
sessions, intended to highlight anthropology as a complex science. Each
participant has thus contributed to the development of anthropology, as a
science of the human beings in their integral bio-social-cultural context
of biodiversity.
In conclusion, the symposium has responded to questions with solutions
and recommendations regarding the few anthropological paliers.


• Gavrila-Ardelean, M., Gavrila-Ardelean, L. 2017. Review of Need

for Health Education in the Bio-Psycho-Social Approach of Mental

Health, Journal Plus Education, 17(1): 276-285.

• Bucur, M. 2005. Eugenie i modernizare în România interbelica.

Polirom, Iai.

• Hînganu, M. 2004. Francisc Iosef Rainer, in Târcoveanu, E.;

Romanescu, C.; Liu, M. (eds.), 125 de ani de învaamânt medical

superior la Iai. (125 years of higher medical education in Iasi). Ed.

Gr. T. Popa, Iai.

• Jelescu, D. 2011. Antropologia. Foarte scurta introducere.

(Anthropology. Very short introduction.), Sciencia, on line:


• Kozma, A., Glavce, C., Balaceanu-Stolnici, C., (coord.). 2014.

Antropologie i cultura, în Colecia „Zilele Rainerâ€, Ed. Niculescu,

, Bucureti, în „Cuvânt înainteâ€, p.5; Anthropology and

Culture, Rainer Days Collection, coordinators: Andrei Kozma,

Cristiana Glavce, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici, Ed. Niculescu,

, Bucharest, in Foreword, p. 5.

• Lévi-Strauss, C. 1973. Anthropologie structurale. Librairie

Plon, Paris.

• Lile, R., Gavrila-Ardelean. 2018. Sanatatea bio-psihosociala

i managementul stresului profesional, (Bio-psycho-social

health and professional stress management), in (Conference

Anthropology and Genetics) Conferina Antropologie i Genetica,

Academia Româna: Simpozionul „Zilele Francisc I. Rainerâ€,

Romanian Academy, Bucharest.

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(Biography of a universal personality), in Revista Medicala Româna,


• Mihailescu, V. 2003. The Legacies of a 'Nation-Building Ethnology:

Romania, in Dracklé, D.; Iain, R.E.; Schippers, K. T. (eds.),

Educational Histories of European Social Anthropology. Berghahn

Books, New York City & Oxford, p. 208.

• Riga, I. Th., Calin, Gh. 1966. Dr. Fr. I. Rainer. Ed. tiinifica,


• Sapir, E. 1929. The status of linguistics as a science. Language

:207-14. Reprinted in The selected writings of Edward Sapir in language, culture, and personality, ed. by D. G. Mandelbaum, 160-

Berkeley: University of California Press.

• Stahl, H. 1981. Amintiri i gînduri din vechea coala a monografiilor

sociologice. (Memories and thoughts from the old school of

sociological monographs), Ed. Minerva, Bucharest.

• one, F. 2012. Exerciiu de recuperare: Portretul sanitar al

comunei Fundul Moldovei în vara anului 1928. (Recovery exercise:

Sanitary portrait of the Fund of Moldova commune in the summer of

, in Transilvania, 11–12:64.

• Whorf, B. L. 1940. Science and linguistics. Technology Review, 42:

-31, 247-8. Reprinted in Language, thought, and reality:

Selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf, ed. by J. B. Carroll, 207-

Cambridge, MA: The Technology Press of MIT/New York:

Wiley. 1956.

• www.antropologia.ro.


