
  • Mariana Floricica CALIN


The period of adolescence includes an ensemble of
transformations that tend to a bio-psycho-social and extremely
nuanced evolution. This period represents a complex stage of
development on the road to maturity and includes a series of
conflicting states: revolt, annoyance, stress, anxiety,
restlessness, pressure build-up, etc., all of which take place as
a result of cognitive, social, emotional and physical
transformations. The high school profile followed by
adolescents can determine their involvement in achieving
good results, and certain personality traits can influence their
school outcomes.
Research hypotheses:1. It is assumed that there is a significant
correlation in student performance and their personality traits.
2. It is assumed that there is a significant difference in student
performance and the profile of graduate high school.
Research instruments:To conduct this research we used the
FFPI Questionnaire, and for evaluating students’
performances we analyzed the overall average of each year of
high school and the average in the first semester of the 12th
grade. Participants were trained to give the first answer that
comes to mind that matches their usual behavior. To keep the
data confidentiality were used only the questionnaire
identification codes without mentioning personal data.
Lot of participants:Considering that normality and
homogeneity conditions were met, we applied the T Test for
independent samples to verify Pearson's first hypothesis and
the correlation for verifying the second hypothesis. Sampling
was stratified by choosing from each class the first five
students and the last five students as school performance. The
sample comprised 100 students in terminal classes from real
and socio-human profiles.Conclusions:School performance is influenced by personality

traits, and school performance differs depending on the
lyceum profile. Vocational students are oriented towards
social issues, working with children, while those in theoretic
are concerned about the concrete aspects of life. Most
students already have a system of interests that they set up
during high school.


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