A survey on the adaptation to specific physical training using the investigation methods for competitive swimmers


  • Silviu Åžalgău “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau,Faculty of Movement,Sports, and Health Sciences


Purpose. This paper comes into help for the coaches, showing some investigation
methods which can be easily applied by them, in the absence of the
physician or biochemist (which are not assisting the training usually), in order
to achieve a high level of adaptation to the specific effort, the training state
and effort capacity, and also technical and tactics improvement. Methods.
We assumed, as hypothesis, that the investigation methods, science-based,
used periodically during the trainings lead to a good effort adaptability and
improvement of performance capacity of sportsmen, the training being done
at optimal quotes. The study was conducted during 2016, November through
2017, May, in the CSM Bacau Club section of the city’s Olympic Pool, on
8 teen subjects (male-3, female-5), with age – 15,5±1,85; the research methods
were bibliographical study, testing, observational and statistics. Some
investigation methods were chosen and described, together with the tests we
considered fitted, our goal being a simple and concise reading of the results.
Results. For the technical training subjects received the marks listed below
(average ± standard deviation): at initial test (I) – 8,03±0,35, at the midlle test
(M) – 8,53±0,22 and at the final test (F) – 9,10±0,21. At specific tests they
gain the results: - time over 100m (T100(s)): I – 70,56±9,73 and F – 69,62±9,70;
- average speed (Sm(m/s)): I – 1,43±0,20 and F - 1,49±0,17; - specific resistance
(Rs): I - 1,00±0,16 and F – 0,89±0,05. Also we observe that the progression
coefficient calculated (Cp(%)) was improved with 10,61±8,99


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