Objective individualization of the endurance training programmes for the effort specific to the floor apparatus in men’s artistic gymnastics


  • Puiu Mihaela National Institute for Sport Research,Bucharest
  • Bidiugan Simona


The ability of athletes to produce appropriate physiological responses to
the specific requirements of the competition routine is one of the main factors
for achieving the competitive performance in sports. In order to obtain
objective information about the individual level of adaptation to effort, in
the sports practice, the specialists use different measurement schemes of the
main physiological parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine
the individual particularities in terms of the metabolic and cardiovascular response
following the application of a specific training stimulus for endurance
training on the floor apparatus, in the men’s artistic gymnastics. Methods.
The study was carried out on a number of 10 elite gymnasts (M = 24.4 years,
S.D.= ±2.4). The influence of a specific training stimulus (independent variable)
on dependent variables (cardiac frequency and lactic acid concentration
in capillary blood) was measured for the assessment of the level of adaptation
to effort. Results. Based on the correlation of the two measured dependent
variables, we was found that seven athletes were in the Stable Oxygen Zone,
two in the Aerobic-Anaerobic Threshold Zone and one at the Oxygen Zone.
For seven of the elite athletes, there was also a mismatch between heart rate
values and lactic acid levels, suggesting an insufficient equilibrium between
muscle and cardiorespiratory components. Considering the high variability
of the measured variables (C.V. = 6,7% for heart rate and CV = 43.6% forthe lactic acid concentration values) and the ratios between them, we used for this research the case study method.


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