
  • Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean PhD, Assoc.Prof. „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad


investigates, strong points, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


In an atmosphere of early fall, at a round table in the location Institute for Public Health in Luxembourg, there was the second meeting of specialists involved in the project Insertion Employment of Persons with Mental Disorders (SPSM - Employabilité). Under this innovative research project to improve the employability of people with mental/ physical disabilities came together: researchers, professors, doctors, psychologists, responsible for public health and journalists from five participating countries: Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, Romania and Belgium.
During the two days of work there was done a SWOT analysis of the results of the three response catagories :
- The recipients (patients with mental illness);
- Employers (responsible for enterprise and directors);
- Specialists (workers, trainers).
We have analyzed and have concluded several schemes to be played in detail below, as they were set by the project team meeting in Luxembourg, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the field of employability these people with the peculiarities of each country in the project.


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