Advantages and Limitations of Using Access Technologies by Visually Impaired


  • Mihaela Gavrila-Ardelean PhD, Assoc.Prof. „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad


Disability, visual impairment, Access Technologies


In a world where knowledge and digital inclusion causes a strong informational openness and democratic and social problems in companies, there are situations where the use of technology is necessary for full participation. Some digital divisions are clearly discriminatory, such as disability. The universal design encourages professionals to shift their attention from the user to a broader stereotype, based on reflections on product potentials. Un users to respect the principles of universal design in proving the effectiveness of access technology, as useful and accessible for all users. An example is the books in DAISY format, which originally was audio books, later annexing their electronic format and to broaden the users.
The aim of the research is to identify the use of the latest access technologies, and the differences between them and traditional methods of study and information access. At the same time, we focused attention on identifying the actual level of independence in communication and information, the advantages and disadvantages of access to information, due to use access technologies. We try also to identify and leverage the programs most commonly used by people with visual disabilities and the difficulties in operating them.


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