
  • Claudiu Marian BUNAIASU University of Craiova


intercultural education, intercultural curriculum, trans-disciplinary didactics, intercultural competences, constructivist strategies, meta-cognitive strategies.


The approaches in order to define a trans-disciplinary didactics suppose theoretical developments, in the spirit of postmodern education paradigms, elaboration of methodological frameworks and operational tools in order to develop key competences and those specific to the target domain. The article firstly presents arguments and premises that support the legitimacy of developing a trans-disciplinary didactics as part of the intercultural education;secondly, the process and results of an empiric micro-research are being presented, based on analyzing subjects’ methodological conceptions and opinions and foreseeing the impact of being aware of and applying trans-disciplinary curricular strategies as part of the intercultural education field.The basic tool of the impact study is the questionnaire, applied to a sample of 120 subjects (didactic staff, students, experts). The results achieved confirm a high level of awareness regarding the necessity of developing trans-disciplinary structures as part of the intercultural education, and their adhesion to strategies and modalities in order to optimize the intercultural curriculum-intercultural education activities’ trans-disciplinary didactics relation.


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