
  • Elena-Simona Indreica Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov
  • Andreea Sitoiu Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov
  • Ramona Henter Transilvania University of BraÈ™ov


drawing, socializing, preschool,


The present paper’s topic is the children’s socialization, searching for ways to
improve children's relationships in formal environments. The investigation started
from the premise that the optimization of children’s socialization in the
kindergarten environment could be achieved through the use of the artistic and
plastic language, the free drawing being the basis for the transmission and
reception of messages. Our sample consisted of 50 pre-schoolers coming from
different kindergartens. This ascertaining research was based on, among other
methods, the sociometric test and the analysis of activity products (26 items with
multiple indicators). The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis, concluding
that the use of artistic and plastic language in encoding and decoding messages
optimizes the socialization among children in the kindergarten environment.


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