Classroom Relationships Questionnaire: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Validation


  • Cristian Bogdan Voicu Transilvania Universty of BraÈ™ov, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Popa Daniela Transilvania Universty of BraÈ™ov, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Rogozea Liliana Transilvania Universty of BraÈ™ov, Faculty of Medicine


classroom relationship questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis, high school students.


The aim of this study is to validate the Classroom Relationships Questionnaire for the Romanian high school students. The present study examines the psychometric properties in a sample of 118 high school students from Brasov County. The questionnaire has 28 items, grouped into four scales such as student cohesiveness, teacher support, cooperation and equity. Results showed that the questionnaire had good internal consistency; Alfa Cronbach coefficient obtained is 0.894. The findings are consistent with many previous studies and shows good psychometric properties including validity, internal consistency, and test – retest reliability


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