“Health education” as matter in the educational process


  • Antoaneta Drăgoescu University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‖Carol Davila‖ Bucharest


behavior, curriculum, health education, health topics, prevention


A lot of Romanian population has currently a deficit of health education, including the lack of awareness of the prevention role. The aim is to highlight the need to introduce Health Education classes in the curriculum as a compulsory subject.
The research objectives are: a) Knowledge assessment of high school students about the personal health topics (personal hygiene, environment, nutrition, behavior); b) Evaluation their opinion about the usefulness of introducing Health Education in the curriculum.
The research is a descriptive and observational study, with transverse approach. It was performed by applying a questionnaire to 364 high school students from Alexandria, Teleorman County. Results: 80% of respondents consider themselves to have information on various topics related to their health. Consumptions and healthy behaviors are not prevalent. Shall be recorded a soft drink and alcohol consumption, smoking, eating fast food, lack of physical activity. Favorable behavior is related to personal hygiene and hours of rest.
Conclusion: it was highlighted the necessity and usefulness health education classes that should be included in the curriculum.


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Ordin al Ministerului Educației și Cercetării nr. 4496 din 11 august 2004 privind aprobarea programelor școlare pentru disciplina opțională "Educație pentru sănătate", clasele


