Influence of a Kinetotherapy Program on Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Stroke
functional independence, kinetotherapy programs, quality of life, pain, spasticity.Abstract
Kinetotherapy programs decrease the deficits and improve the quality of life in patients with stroke, but the access to these programs is quite poor. Our study aimed to measure the benefits in functionality and quality of life gained by patients with stroke following a kinetotherapy in-hospital program. We studied 105 patients with stroke (81% ischemic and 19% hemorrhagic), median age 61 years (min 23, max 82), 55% males, and median duration from the acute event 5 months (min 2; max 45 months). Patients were tested at three moments (admission, discharge, 6 months after discharge) measuring their pain (VAS), spasticity (Ashworth Scale), functional independence (Functional Independence Measure Scale) and quality of life (SF 36). Patients gained significant improvements in pain, functional independence and especially quality of life. Our results underline the importance of access to appropriate rehabilitation therapy for patients with stroke.References
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