

  • Letitia TRIF MUNTEAN, Universitatea ”1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia


strategic teaching, learning strategy, motivation.


Teachers are concerned with training competent students who do not passively receive and process information, they are active participants in the learning process, building meaningful knowledge given by their own previous knowledge and new experiences. Students with well-developed skills to manage their own learning are able to set appropriate learning goals, use their knowledge and skills to direct their own learning and can choose strategies appropriate to their learning tasks. A learning strategy serves to better select information, establishing connections between different elements of the subject or making associations between new and previous knowledge. Learning learning strategies focus on what makes students more active by teaching them how to learn and how to use what they have learned to be successful. In addition to learning strategies, we emphasize the role of motivational strategies for self-regulated learning. Among the determinants of learning orientation are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, personal or situational interest and goal orientation. These types of motivations are similar in that they determine whether learning is seen by the student as a tool to achieve a goal (e.g., to be promoted) or whether the learning itself is experienced as satisfying, that it extends to knowledge, and skills. Thus, in this study we aim to obtain feedback from students on the quality of teaching-learning-motivation strategies proposed by the content and tasks of the courses taken. The instrument used is a standardized questionnaire to investigate the academic motivation of students - MUSIC. The information we will obtain has the role of identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the teaching-learning-motivation strategies used in order to optimize, improve the quality of educational activities.

Author Biography

Letitia TRIF MUNTEAN,, Universitatea ”1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia



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