

  • Natalya SHEMYHON Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy


Key words: distance learning; readiness for distance learning; communication component of readiness for distance learning, motivational component of readiness for distance learning.


Abstract. The article deals with the issue of higher education students’ readiness for distance learning. It has been noted that due to the rapid transition to distance learning in a pandemic, the search for answers to questions related to the quality of distance learning, the teachers’ and students’ readiness for this form of learning, the lack of unified methodological approaches to the transition from offline to online learning have been actualized. Scientific approaches to the description of the concept of readiness for the activity have been analyzed. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources, the structure of readiness for distance learning has been identified. The student's readiness for distance learning is considered as the ability to carry out educational activities distantly, which includes such structural components as communicative readiness to interact during online education and motivational readiness for distance learning. The impact of students' communicative behavior on the success of educational activities during distance learning has been reviewed. It has been noted that the sphere of direct interpersonal communication relations in distance learning is reduced to a minimum, or non-existent. This affects the formation of personality and the intended purpose of educational space, contact with the teacher in real, not online space is important for the formation of motivation, beliefs and attitudes. The study indicates a lack of motivation and self-control of students during distance learning. The survey of first- and second-year students has found that more than half of students have problems with self-control and the ability to work independently in distance learning. It has been noted that distance education is less effective than traditional classroom education, as fewer students complete the courses, since this type of education provides sufficient motivation, self-control and the ability to work independently with information and training materials.


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