
  • Mustafa Zülküf Altan Department of Foreign Languages Education, Kayseri/Turkey


Education, Entrepreneurial teaching, Entrepreneurial teacher, Entrepreneurship, Innovation,


We live in a time of unrivaled social, economic, technological and environmental problems and desperately are in need of change and improvement in many different areas on a global scale. It is obvious that current educational models, assumptions about learning and approaches to learning and teaching are unable to equip individuals for these new and unexpected challenges since present education systems all over the world are almost exclusively based on a world of yesterday.The globe needs more creative and innovative individuals who can come up withsolutions to both present and future concerns in every sector of the societies they live in. In order to build and initiate at least a functional entrepreneurial ecosystem, an effective collaboration between all types of entrepreneurs and educational sciences specialists is amust. What is education for? What kind of people do we wish to develop? Why do we need more innovation and innovative individuals? How can this vision be accomplished?Who can bring this vision to come true? This paper highlights the importance of implementing an entrepreneurial education carried out by entrepreneurial teachers tofoster the right mindset to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to live in a betterand peaceful world.


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