
  • Amnon Glassner Kaye Academic College of Education
  • Shlomo Back Kaye Academic College of Education


Heutagog, teacher education, autonomy,


The idea of self-determined learning of students is quite prevalent at least from the times of Rousseau. This paper presents innovative teacher education heutagogy (self-determined learning) courses (250 students). The students chose what to learn in the context of the main course subject, with whom (individually or in small groups), how to learn, from what resources and how to present the knowledge they had constructed. The data were collected from students' written blogs and students' products and was analyzed by collaborative self-study and multiple case-study methods. Findings demonstrated how the students and the lecturers cope with challenges like uncertainty and vagueness and turn them into meaningful learning which enhance their passion for knowledge and pleasure in learning. At the first stages of the courses most of the students felt helplessness about acting in total autonomy setting. As oppose to conventional courses, the students expressed senses of self-competence and capability and self-autonomy.


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