Education and teaching


  • LaurenÅ£iu Leucea The Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work University "Aurel Vlaicu" Arad


Teachers are accountable to society for the quality of
a given professional year of education policy. Educational
institutions have the task of organizing learning the various
components of knowledge, translated into disciplines. Teachers
have acquired skills in a scientific faculties and their functions
that fits the explicit requirements of the normative documents.
The educational institutions also required training and
education, but effective assessment is purchased solely to
teaching students, there was no monitoring of the effects of
education teacher.


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creativity, Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2004

Bocos, Musata, Interactive Learning. Highlights for reflection and action,

ClujUniversity Press PublishingHouse, Cluj-Napoca, 2002

Cerghit, Ioan, Alternative and complementary training systems, Aramis

Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002

Cristea Sorin, Pedagogical foundations of education reform, Didactic and

PedagogicPublishing House, Bucharest, 1994

Herlo Dorin, On the educational curriculum, University "Aurel Vlaicu",

Arad, 2004

Ilica, Anton, A Pedagogy, University "Aurel Vlaicu", Arad,2010

Ionescu, Miron, Training and Education. Paradigms, strategies, guidelines,

models, Cluj-Napoca, 2003

Niculescu, Rodica Mariana, Training Pedagogical, All Publishing,

Bucharest, 2000

Peretti, André, Education Trade changing (the selection of texts by Adrian

Nicolau), Spiru Haret PublishingHouse, IaÅŸi, 1996

Roman, Alina, Petroi, Anca, Labyrinth teaching evaluation, University

"Aurel Vlaicu", Arad, 2005

Stanciu, Mihai, PostmodernTeaching, University of Suceava,2004


