Methodological controversies and teaching process


  • Aleksandar Stojanovic Teacher Training Faculty – Belgrade Preschool Teacher Training College – Vrsac


quantitative paradigm, qualitative paradigm, methodological controversies, teaching process.


Contemporary pedagogy and didactics has still
been marked by numerous controversies. The article considers
the controversies essentially influencing the grounds of
teaching process and its effects within pedagogic
methodology. Before all it points out the differences between
“conflicting†paradigms – qualitative and quantitative, as well
as their reaches in didactical research. The paper considers the
extent to which the applied methodological approaches
managed to grasp complexity of teaching, to contribute to
more grounded teaching process and more efficient didactic
The importance of coherent approach when studying
teaching process is emphasized, as well as the need to apply as
diverse research strategies and procedures as possible in the
scope of both paradigms, in order to gain new insights
offering teaching process which would be better grounded.


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