Taxation of Research and Development


  • Zsuzsanna Szeles Faculty of Economics, Institute of Finance and Accounting University of West Hungary


R&D, innovation, taxation, corporate tax


Research and development plays an unquestionably role in terms of long-term growth. According to Eurostat, almost half of all enterprises in the EU-28 reported innovation activity (48.9%) during the period 2010-2012. Compared with the period 2008-2010, the share of innovative enterprises decreased by 3.9 percentage points. Among the EU Member States, the highest shares of innovative enterprises during the period 2010–2012 were observed in Germany (66.9 % of all enterprises), and the lowest share was recorded in Romania (20.7%).


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***** 1990. evi C. torveny a helyi adokrol (Law about Hungarian Local Tax)

***** 1996. evi LXXXI. torveny a tarsasagi adorol es az osztalekadorol (Law about Hungarian Corporate Tax)


