Economical Freedom and the Rule of Law in the Conception of Milton Friedman


  • Matei Simandan Faculty of Economics "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad, Romania


For some decades, Milton Friedman’s name is associated with economical neo-liberalism and the monetarist theory, his ideas continuing to be the object of debate among theoreticians from the most diversified fields. This article analyzes in its first part the controversies connected to the economical freedom’s possibility of ensuring the existence and functioning of individual freedom and political freedom, as he says. The second part discusses the means in which the freedom of choice is influenced by the mechanisms of market economy, by the system of political organization of the society and by the means of intervention of the state in the social economic market. The third part focuses upon the highlights that define the monetary program and the solutions it proposes for the functioning of economy in its entirety.


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