The Financial Communication and the Accounting - Audit - Valuation Trinomial


  • Robert Almasi
  • Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi Faculty of Economics "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad
  • Lavinia Denisia Cuc


financial communication, accounting, audit, valuation, standards


At this time, financial communication faces various obstacles concerning the homogenization of communication types. Moreover, due to globalization, communication on capital markets confronts with a very visible changing process. Thus, people from different parts of the world managed to pass over language barriers but still face the ones in the financial communication field. It is well known that most financial decisions are based on the information from the financial statements. But, both the form and the conceptual language used in order to elaborate these financial statements present numerous conflict marks. In order to attenuate these conflict marks, the IASB, having as main target the financial reporting homogenization, elaborated the IFRS. At this time, Romania also faces economic, politic, social and cultural irreversible processes, of great interest for accounting: the growth of number and economic power of multinational companies; the economic globalization, especially of the financial markets; the growth of capitalization and the appearance and development of new financial products.


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*** Standardele Internaţionale de Contabilitate.

*** Standardele Internaţionale de Audit.

*** Standardele Internaţionale de Evaluare.


