The impact of financial balance indicators on the companies - Analysis on economic sectors


  • Iustin Dalea Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, West University of TimiÅŸoara


The paper presents the result of a financial balance analysis of some companies, which are grouped in three economic sectors: manufacturing, construction and tourism.
The main focus consists in the impact of the three financial balance indicators have (floating capital, necessary working capital, net treasury) on the activities that underline each economic sector.
The applicative part of this paper is materialized in a scientific approach that includes a number of 27 companies, grouped after the domain, from Timis County, Romania, which has in view to obtain useful and perspective information concerning the financial balance, based on the specific behavior of the activity they perform, aiming also the possibility of taking useful and correct decisions.
This approach represents our own vision about the differences of achieving a financial balance state within each economic sector analyzed.


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