The Use of Payment Methods for the Settlement of International Liabilities


  • Petre Crăciun Faculty of Economics, "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad


In the case of payments through a letter of credit or collection, there will be a commercial contract between the parties, in which the payment method that will be used will be clearly stipulated, and the exporter will proceed to preparing the set of documents and their transmission. If the factoring is used as a payment method, the factor will proceed to an analysis of the accounts receivable, after which the seller’s accounts receivable will be taken over or not.


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ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, Publication 600. (2007). Paris: Chamber of Commerce.

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Revista “Finanţe, Bănci, Asigurări†(Finance. Banks. Insurance magazine), no. 8/September and no. 9/ October 2007


